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算 suan

Home Pinyin suan

不算 bù suàn not counting

才算 cái suàn only count

打算 dǎsuàn intend; intended; intends

估算 gūsuàn imputed

划算 huásuàn cost-effective

计算 jìsuàn calculates; calculation; computation; computational; computationally; computations; compute; computes

计算机 jìsuànjī computer

计算器 jìsuàn qì calculator

结算 jiésuàn clearings; settlement

精算 jīngsuàn actuarial

就算 jiùsuàn even

盘算 pánsuàn figuring

清算 qīngsuàn liquidate; liquidated; liquidating; liquidation; reckoning

失算 shīsuàn miscalculation

算错 suàncuò miscount

算得 suàndé calculated

算法 suànfǎ algorithm; algorithmic; algorithms

算计 suànjì calculation

算了 suànle forget it

算命 suànmìng fortune telling; fortune-tellers

算盘 suànpán abacus; abacuses

算是 suànshì be counted

算术 suànshù arithmetic; arithmetically; numeracy

算数 suànshù count

算算 suàn suàn calculation

算子 suànzǐ operator

预算 yùsuàn budget; budgetary

总算 zǒngsuàn final calculation

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce